Monday, August 6, 2012

Quick update

Just a quick update, as I still feel like I've been hit by a truck. Things went well - except for getting the IV started. The nurses waited for the anesthesiologist to work his magic for that. I am pretty glad they did considering where it had to be done - inside my left wrist.

Out of the 10 follies only 4 eggs were retrieved. I am a bit disappointed but I am going to do my best to stay positive. It only takes one.  :) Hopefully we found that one today!


  1. I read a story very similar to yours. She had 4 & 3 fertilized and did a 5 day transfer! Try to keep your chin up. I know it's hard, but it really does only take one. Thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome!

  2. Thanks so much. :) Hearing that story definitely helps!

  3. If you want to read her blog, it is Breathe Gentle on my blog list.

  4. I agree, only takes one! We had 8 retrieved, only 6 were mature and 3 fertilized in my last cycle. As you may know, we transferred all three and all three took. So if we had transferred 1 or 2, they would have stuck as well!
