Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Grateful

Lately alot of the posts I have read talk about strength and becoming stronger despite this battle we are all fighting. I've locked on to that thought because for the last couple of weeks I have felt anything but strong. When I update my family about what we are going through I often hear "You are so strong, I don't know how you do it." So now I've decided to post (bullet style) what I am grateful for as a reminder life is still good.

* My husband's love, strength and support. Sometimes it amazes me how much stronger our relationship is after all we have gone through in the last 2 years.
* My family's support - especially my Mom who never forgets to send a card to let us know she is thinking of us and is on our side.
* Our puppies - they really are the best and neither of us knew just how therapeutic it would to have them when we decided to get them.
* Our trips to Belize, just thinking about our view from our room calms me right down. It worked especially well during our IUI when J brought pictures up on his phone when things were not going great.
* The support of this community...enough said!
* The support of my boss...he knows what I've been through and doesn't hesitate to say yes when I ask for time off for appointments.
*'s raining as I type so our drought-stricken lawn is being watered without us having to spend money :)

Those are a few - I know there are more!

View from "our" room in Ambergris Caye, Belize

Our Puppies - Garnett and Sadie

(kindly, ignore the potting soil in the background)


  1. Oh, Puppies! I WANT TO EAT THEIR FACES.

    And I'm insanely jealous of your rain.

  2. Its good to remember what's awesome in life. And I agree with Stupid Stork, I am both jealous of your rain and love the pups! Mine is being a good boy and cuddling with me while I nap today.

  3. Thanks, ladies! Definitely a good day - lots of rain and puppy hugs when I got home from a long day at work. Topped it off with dinner out for J's birthday :)

  4. Just remember that sometimes if we arent feeling strong, doesnt mean that we arent. Fighting this battle makes us strong regardless if we feel that way or not.

    I love your pictures, Garnett and Sadie are beautiful pups!
