Monday, March 30, 2015

#Microblog Mondays - Weekend update

All in all, our weekend and visit with Grammie was a great one. It had it's downfalls but we didn't let them get in our way of a good time!! Last Tuesday we took M to the pediatrician for a follow-up from his gastroenterologist appointment. (That appt could probably have it's own post!) We had been concerned about M's breathing rate and the doctor agreed with us that it seemed a bit too high. Of course we worry about asthma with him and all of his allergies. The pedi told us that his rate of breathing was a bit on the high side but he was passing good air (no wheezing!) and his oxygen levels were at 100% so no worries for now! However, M was diagnosed with a sinus infection, which led us to our very first round of antibiotics. Not fun at all...more than once I have finished with a lovely shade of pink on my shirt. I am happy to say that this morning it was much easier to give M his meds!

Our Mr. Shy Guy did  not let down his guard much with Grammie during her visit. It made me really sad that he wouldn't sit with her or let her hold him. Thankfully, both my mom and I understood why it was happening and we've decided to plan another visit for July. We are also planning on doing more face timing so M can "see" Grammie more often.

Looks like M is starting to wake up...this sinus infection has really knocked him for a loop...he sleeps A LOT! Three hour nap this afternoon.

Oh, did I forget to mention that our remodeling project is still going on? oh yeah...going to love the master bedroom, but it's not been a fun process.
Someone was having fun in the broom closet this morning :)

Mommy and M getting ready to ride the train at the zoo :)


  1. Good news about no asthma!!! Hang in there with Grammie. I'm sure M will come around.

  2. My oldest was like that with family for awhile! They grow out of that!
