Monday, March 30, 2015

#Microblog Mondays - Weekend update

All in all, our weekend and visit with Grammie was a great one. It had it's downfalls but we didn't let them get in our way of a good time!! Last Tuesday we took M to the pediatrician for a follow-up from his gastroenterologist appointment. (That appt could probably have it's own post!) We had been concerned about M's breathing rate and the doctor agreed with us that it seemed a bit too high. Of course we worry about asthma with him and all of his allergies. The pedi told us that his rate of breathing was a bit on the high side but he was passing good air (no wheezing!) and his oxygen levels were at 100% so no worries for now! However, M was diagnosed with a sinus infection, which led us to our very first round of antibiotics. Not fun at all...more than once I have finished with a lovely shade of pink on my shirt. I am happy to say that this morning it was much easier to give M his meds!

Our Mr. Shy Guy did  not let down his guard much with Grammie during her visit. It made me really sad that he wouldn't sit with her or let her hold him. Thankfully, both my mom and I understood why it was happening and we've decided to plan another visit for July. We are also planning on doing more face timing so M can "see" Grammie more often.

Looks like M is starting to wake up...this sinus infection has really knocked him for a loop...he sleeps A LOT! Three hour nap this afternoon.

Oh, did I forget to mention that our remodeling project is still going on? oh yeah...going to love the master bedroom, but it's not been a fun process.
Someone was having fun in the broom closet this morning :)

Mommy and M getting ready to ride the train at the zoo :)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Update from our end of the world

I cannot believe how long it's been since I last posted. I am going to do my best to get you all up-to-date on what's going on down here...will give y'all some bullets. Hopefully after today I can figure out a way to post at least once or twice a week!

* We are remodeling our Master has needed to happen ever since we moved into the house but we finally started the project about three weeks ago. We started it with the goal of having it complete by March 24 at the latest. J is leaving for a quick business trip on the 25th and I did not want to be home with M and dealing with the mess of a remodel. Um, yeah, J is going to Minnesota and I'll be home with a remodel mess. Oh Mom will be here and the weather should be good so we'll spend more time outdoors!

* We've tried a few more foods from M's allergen list. It looks like bananas are SAFE!!! We tried them for about 2 weeks and no reactions! We tried soy this weekend by cooking his turkey burger in soybean oil. Not really sure how it's going. He didn't break out right away but did start itching his cheeks while eating. He also developed a cough after trying that burger...but I think that was the start of a cold. :(

* M started swimming lessons a couple of weeks ago...he goes twice a week. J goes with him on Saturdays and I go on Mondays. I got the better day...only 3 other kids in our class and it's so calm. The teacher is amazing...she goes at the rate of the kids and not what her notes tell her to do.

* We booked our next trip to Belize!! I cannot wait to get back there. My goal is to print out pictures of the people we'll be seeing so M can recognize their faces. He's such a shy boy right now and I want him to have some facial recognition before he gets loved on.

* We got our annual passes to the zoo and to Sea World...when the weather allows we try to get to some place fun at least once a week. M loves riding on the carousels!

More random pictures for you :)
M finally got to eat at Rudy's - yay for turkey! He's been several times but two weekends ago he finally got to eat their food. :)

M on St. Patrick's Day...we ended up at Friday's. I really wanted to go out for fish & chips...after finding out the wait for dinner was 45 minutes we buggered off and ended up eating a very non-traditional St. Paddy's day meal.

M has started smiling for the "camera" (the phone).