Monday, September 17, 2018

Hello from Soggy Texas!

It has been rainy in our corner of Texas since Sept. 3rd...we have seen so much rain! M wakes up most mornings telling us he's tired of the rain and wants it to stop. Thankfully, it looks like we are going to get a bit of a break this week! I just looked and for the next 3 days we have 0% chance of rain. WOO-HOO!!

I realize that most of my updates have been about M and not much about me. At the beginning of July I finally found a new primary care doctor for myself. I got myself back on my Syn.throid and back on the pre-diabetes meds. I was surprised how much better I really did feel after getting back into my meds routine. She highly recommended that I not go off them at the same time again and think that everything will be okay!

While I was having my initial appointment/physical the P.A. noticed a new mole on my forehead and asked about it. Then she noticed a couple on my chest - they were also fairly new. Which brings us to me needing to have them biopsied. I had them removed almost 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting for the results. I go on Wednesday to have the stitches removed and will receive the results then. To say I am anxious is an understatement. The cards are stacked against me in terms of skin cancer...I'm of Celtic decent, I've had sooo many sunburns throughout the years, I have fair skin and blue eyes. My fingers are crossed for positive results but I am also ready to face this head on if it's not positive.

On a positive note, on Friday afternoon J and I both picked M up from school. He was a bit crabby when we got home and decided he wanted to have a lemonade stand. I had to explain that we can do that once it's not raining...he didn't really take no for an answer so we had an indoor lemonade stand that was ready for when J got home. :)

Unfortunately, this is what our skies have looked like lately...silver lining is we have gained A LOT of water in the aquifer and are almost out of the drought!!

Hopefully later this week I can show you some sunny skies!!


  1. I hope everything comes back normal on the biopsies. Sending you lots of good thoughts!

    1. Thank you very much! Keeping my fingers crossed and trying really hard not to think about it. :)
